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 Tài Liệu Wiley Study Guide CFA level 2 2020
 Tài Liệu Wiley Study Guide CFA level 2 2020

Tài Liệu Wiley Study Guide CFA level 2 2020

Cập nhật cuối lúc 13:29 ngày 14/12/2019, Đã xem 1 017 lần
Có 0 người đã bình chọn
  Đơn giá bán: 450 000 đ
  VAT: Liên hệ
  Hãng SX: 4279
  Bảo hành: 12 Tháng

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The Wiley Study Guides for the Level II CFA Program exam are proven to help candidates understand, retain, and master the CFA Program Curriculum, complete with color-coded Study Guides and coverage of every Learning Outcome Statement on the exam. Created from the distilled knowledge of our staff of CFA charterholders and instructors, these books are a highly effective and proven study aid filled with exam tips, fundamental concepts, and in-depth examples. Our authors have used their years of personal teaching experience with students from a variety of backgrounds to develop study guides that improve the study experience of CFA Level II candidates and include practical and helpful tips and test-taking advice though-out the text. The color-coding feature, which makes it easier for you to follow cases and examples that make references to graphs and sets of financial statements. Most subjects, especially Economics, Portfolio Management and Fixed Income use plenty of figures and diagrams to illustrate important concepts. Our study guides include all those figures and additional commentary to make the material easily understandable

"Just wanted to let you know I am VERY happy with the notes. Much more clear than other providers!"
--Brian, USA

"The Study Guides were more clearly and thoroughly (and yet somehow more concisely!) written than the competitors.."
--Vanessa, Spain

"Your study guides, lectures and practice questions are really helping me grasp these difficult concepts better. Thanks!"
--Amy, USA

"Wiley's prep material was a huge part of my success on the exam... Thank you so much for all of the support you have provided. I truly believe in the Wiley products, and will be recommending them to students for years to come."
--Lindsey G, USA

"Looked at the economics module you sent me, the notes at University do not even come close, and its probably true for a lot of people, including those who have already completed an honors degree or MBA at some of the top universities around the world."
--Geoffrey, South Africa

Vol 1

Vol 2

Vol 3

Vol 4

Vol 5

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